
Oxynate Peroxide 380 ml with case

based on 14 reviews

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Oxynate Peroxide 380 ml with case reviews:
99 % based on 14 reviews

I buy the solution along with the lenses. I would not replace it. Very good! Cleans, extends life of lenses. I recommend!

Translated from bg:

Купувам разтвора заедно с лещите. Не бих го сменила. Много добър! Почиства, удължава живота на лещите. Препоръчвам!
I'm pleased. It does not irritate the eyes.

Translated from bg:

Доволна съм. Не дразни очите.
Satisfies the customer's need.

Translated from ro:

Satisface nevoia clientului.
Quality products delivered promptly.

Translated from ro:

Produse de calitate livrate prompt.
Good product. Not very inspired when it comes to lens container design.

Translated from ro:

Good product. Not very inspired when it comes to lens container design.
Looks Ok after one use. It's a bit annoying that the cog on the bottom of the container is fixed and designed so it starts reacting as soon as it comes in contact with the solution, and it's hard to tell when there's enough.

Translated from ro:

Pare Ok după o singura folosire. Este cam enervant faptul ca rotita pe fundul recipientului este fixată și gândită așa ca începe reacția imediat ce vine in contact cu soluția și e greu de stabilit când e cantitate suficientă.
Punctual and honest!Exceptional professionals!

Translated from bg:

Точни и коректни!Изключителни професионалисти!
I am happy with *** clean lenses

Translated from ro:

Sint mulțumită de *** sint curatate lentilele
According to specifications. The cleaning solution is suitable for soft lenses.

Translated from ro:

Conform specificatiilor. Solutia de curatare este potrivita pentru lentilele moi.

6 more ratings Only showing ratings with comments

Details of Oxynate Peroxide 380 ml with case

Oxynate Peroxide is a cleaning and disinfecting solution made in Italy, suitable for the care of all types of contact lenses, except coloured lenses. Oxynate Peroxide disinfects, cleans, moisturises and removes proteins and dirt deposits. With regular use, it also guarantees complete sterilisation of the lenses. The 380 ml volume allows you to use the solution a few days longer than standard solutions (360 ml), and at an unbeatable price. The optimal ratio of quality and price makes the Oxynate solution a very popular choice.

Oxynate Peroxide is also suitable for sensitive eyes and harsh conditions. It ensures easy and safe contact lens care, meeting the expectations of those contact lens wearers who seek maximum comfort and safety for their eyes.

When using Oxynate, the time required for neutralisation must be observed and it must always be used with the enclosed original container with platinum catalyst disc. The contact lenses must remain in the container for at least 6 hours. After the neutralisation process, the contact lenses can be inserted into the eye.

Make sure that the solution is always completely neutralised before inserting the contact lenses. A non-neutralised solution must not come into contact with the eye!

Oxynate Peroxide is one of the best-selling solutions in our e-shop and an excellent alternative to other peroxide solutions, such as AOSEPT PLUS with Hydraglyde, EasySept, Ever Clean Plus and Refine One Step.

Instructions for use:

  • Wash and dry your hands carefully before using the product.
  • Remove the lens from the left eye, unscrew the lens case, open the lid marked with the letter "L", place the lens inside and close the lid without breaking the lens. Repeat the procedure with the right lens and place it in the case marked with the letter "R".
  • Fill the lens case to the indicated level with Oxynate Peroxide, making sure not to go below the level, and place the lenses in the case.
  • Close the case carefully, without shaking it, and store it upright. If the product is working properly, oxygen bubbles will form as soon as the platinum disc comes into contact with the solution. If this is not the case, do not use the product.
  • Leave the lenses in the solution for at least 6 hours or overnight. Wear the lenses after the neutralisation time, rinse the lenses with saline solution if necessary.
  • Repeat the cleaning process if the neutralisation time exceeds 24 hours.
  • Empty the container, rinse the container and lens case with saline solution and allow them to dry.

This is a medical device. Read instructions before use.


Expiration: At least 21 months
Period after opening: 2 months
Total volume: 380 ml
Cases in a package: 1
Travel: No
Peroxide: Yes
Multi-purpose: No
For hard lenses: Yes
For soft lenses: Yes
Saline solution: No
Weight: 480 g

Your questions (1×)

Comments about Oxynate Peroxide 380 ml with case Add a question

  • Patrizia N.

    Is it necessary to put inside tablets in the liquid while the lens are in the lens case for not making them burn once i put them in the eyes?

    • Anna Lentiamo.ie

      Hello Patrizia,

      With the peroxide solutions, it is very important to let the lenses in the solution for a minimum of 6 hours to allow the chemical reaction to neutralise. You can also rinse the lenses with a saline solution.

      This solution does not require tablets for neutralisation.

      Best regards,


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